How Window Film Products Can Increase Safety at School
With the increase in school shootings in America over the last few decades–particularly with incidents like Columbine and Sandy Hook–it seems everyone has an opinion on ways we can keep our children safer in school. Some people have offered extreme solutions such as arming all of the teachers. One option that people may not consider, however, are window film products.
There are anti-intrusion security window film products that may be beneficial. They may help to prevent forced-entry break-ins, and they can protect students and teachers from flying glass shards. In addition to the obvious safety benefits, it may help schools to conserve energy and protect students from harmful UV rays. These films also offer a sense of security for teachers and students.
In addition to security window film products, many schools are seeking tinted windows so that people outside of the school cannot see into the school, but the students and teachers will still be able to see out. Many inhabitants of schools feel much safer knowing they have privacy from the outside world.
While security window products and tinted windows may definitely help to make schools safer, it should not be stated that these windows are “bulletproof.” It is also true that this is an issue that goes beyond mere security. If a person is determined to perform an attack at a school, it may be virtually impossible to stop him or her. This is an issue that involves many aspects of modern day life such as the cultural influences, mental health, and family life of disturbed individuals. This is not an issue that can be solved overnight. However, security window products may certainly help to slow down or defer potential attackers, which may just give students and/or teachers enough time to save lives.
The best thing that principals and administrators can do when investigating window products such as these is to be fully educated on all of the options. Consumers need to be more educated about these window films and everything that they have to offer in order to increase the personal safety of everyone in a school.
There have been many examples of teachers who have said that the installment of shatter-resistant films on school windows do make them feel safer as well as other security window products. Teachers have also stated that the use of window upgrades such as safety glazing, intrusion resistance, and tinting for more privacy would also help them to feel safer. In many instances, school buildings may simply be old and in need of general upgrades in order to make students and teachers feel safe.
While window professionals should be careful about using words like “bulletproof,” the fact remains that there are many safety benefits associated with upgrading school windows with window film security products. Educators should seek further information if they believe their school may benefit from such upgrades.